On getting older and personal identity

Friday, January 31, 2020

I'm 42 years old. Incidentally, the age my cousin's Ouija board once told me I was going to die in a fiery car crash, so if I seem a bit more on edge this year than normal, I have an excuse. Sometimes - like right now, with my hip bursitis flaring up and a kink in my neck from sleeping weird a couple of nights ago - my body feels every one of those 15,000+ days. But for the most part, my mind doesn't...
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Kitchen renovation

Friday, January 24, 2020

WARNING: PICTURE HEAVY POST AHEAD (Ignore the arrows on them though as I pulled everything from my Instagram account and you can't actually scroll through them.) When we first found this house online, I'd dismissed it because of the galley kitchen and parking situation (we don't have parking at our actual house - it's down the street, about 200 feet away). But knowing that we were going to...
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