More Exterior Color Options

Sunday, June 7, 2020

After my last post, I went through the Benjamin Moore historic color palette and then drove through town looking at other historic houses from the same era to make sure I hadn't missed any potential color combinations for our exterior. These are the results of that exercise.Caldwell GreenCoventry GrayNewburg GreenKnoxville GrayJamestown BlueHale NavyThere are colors we are certainly leaning toward,...
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Exterior Paint Color Options

Thursday, June 4, 2020

We're in the process of getting a new roof put on the house, and in the course of the work, we've discovered there was a lot more rot to the maroon fascia and trim on our house than we knew about, which resulted in the crew needing to replace much of it around the roof line. We've also noticed several boards rotted beyond repair on the yellow portion of the house. I'm a great believer in restoration...
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